4. března: další změny v dopravě
- Datum: 24.2.2007
- Zdroj: Mladá fronta DNES
- Rubrika: Kraj Moravskoslezský
- Strana: 02
Téměř čtyřicet obcí v Moravskoslezském kraji se zapojí do integrovaného dopravního systému. Obyvatelé Moravskoslezského kraje se 4. března dočkají dalších změn ve veřejné dopravě.S novými jízdními řády se změní časy odjezdů, ale i trasy některých vlaků, autobusů, trolejbusů i tramvají. Vzniknou nové linky, na některých začnou jezdit nové soupravy. A díky rozšíření integrovaného dopravního systému v kraji budou pak moci na stejnou jízdenku jezdit lidé například v Ostravě i Bruntále - vlakem i městskou dopravou.
„Na lokální tratě Novojičínska nasadíme 9. března vlaky typu Regionova, mezi Ostravou a Prahou bude od 4. března každou neděli večer jezdit jeden pár rychlovlaku Pendolino navíc a na něj bude navázaný přípoj do Opavy,“ vypočítává nejzajímavější novinky mluvčí Českých drah Aleš Ondrůj.
Nejvíce změn se ale týká regionální autobusové dopravy. Integrovaný dopravní systém ODIS, který začal před deseti lety propojovat městskou hromadnou dopravu v Ostravě s regionálními spoji v blízkém okolí, se totiž v březnu rozšíří na další území Moravskoslezského kraje.
„V současnosti je v ODIS přímo či nepřímo zapojeno přes sto měst a obcí s více než šesti sty tisíci obyvateli. V březnu budeme mít pokryto zhruba 70 procent území regionu,“ uvedl jednatel společnosti Koordinátor ODIS Radek Filipczyk.
Podotkl, že regionální dopravu v celém kraji by rádi propojili do konce příštího roku, ale není si jistý, zda se to podaří stihnout. „Čeká nás totiž složité území Karvinska, kde je několik měst s vlastním systémem veřejné dopravy,“ vysvětlil.
Rozšíření systému ODIS nyní pocítí obyvatelé Opavska, ale také částí Bruntálska a Novojičínska.
V jednadvaceti obcích a městech včetně Krnova, Opavy a Vítkova, které už částečně do integrovaného systému zapojeny jsou, se pouze rozšíří počet linek a spojů ODIS.
Nově se však do systému zapojí dalších devětatřicet obcí. Díky tomu tak vznikne řada zcela nových tarifních zón. Některé nové obce ale budou zahrnuty do zón stávajících.
„Pro obyvatele i časté návštěvníky obcí, které se stanou novou součástí integrovaného systému ODIS, to znamená úsporu času i peněz. Budou si moci kupovat levnější dlouhodobé jízdenky, což dosud nemohli. Zatím jim dopravci nabízejí maximálně týdenní, výjimečně měsíční jízdenku,“ vysvětluje Filipczyk.
Podle něj by se lidem mělo cestování regionálními linkami zjednodušit, protože mohou na jedinou přestupní nebo síťovou jízdenku procestovat libovolné trasy zahrnuté do systému ODIS, a také zlevnit asi o tři procenta. „Například cesta regionálními spoji z Ostravy do Bruntálu vyjde od 4. března na 68 korun, přičemž dosud stojí přes sto korun. Lidé sice mohou cestovat levněji dálkovými spoji, ty ale jezdí jen párkrát za den,“ líčí Filipczyk.
Dodal, že lidem, kteří se nebudou moci zorientovat v nových tarifních zónách nebo si nebudou vědět rady s nákupem dlouhodobých časových jízdenek, poradí ve dne i v noci infocentrum ODIS. Informační telefonní linka je v provozu nepřetržitě.
Řadu změn chystá i ostravský dopravní podnik. „Zřídili jsme novou autobusovou linku číslo 73, která zlepší spojení mezi Porubou a průmyslovou zónou v Hrabové. Vznikne také nová zastávka nazvaná Hrabová zóna střed,“ líčí vedoucí odboru koordinace dopravy Dopravního podniku Ostrava Jaroslav Šimčík.
Lepšího spojení se dočkají i obyvatelé Nové a Staré Bělé či Proskovic, kteří kritizovali změny z léta a podzimu. Vadilo jim, že dopravní podnik omezil autobusová spojení a lidé musí přestupovat na tramvaj u obchodního centra Interspar, kde je špatná návaznost. To se má změnit.
„Kvůli opravě silničního mostu, která potrvá do srpna, nebudou až do září zajíždět k tramvajové smyčce u Intersparu žádné autobusy. Pak tam bude zajíždět více tramvají,“ líčí Šimčík. Dodal, že jednali se starosty obcí a upravili vedení linek podle potřeb místních obyvatel.
Starosta Staré Bělé Josef Holáň a jeho kolega z Proskovic Jiří Matěj potvrdili, že tentokrát by měli být obyvatelé okrajových částí Ostravy se změnami spokojenější než loni. Tehdy totiž přišli o řadu spojů, které používali léta.
* Informace o dopravě
Nonstop informační telefonní linka o dopravě a cenách v systému ODIS: 596 941 108 e-mail: info@kodis.cz www.kodis.cz
* Nové obce v ODIS
okres Bruntál
Bílčice, Bruntál, Dvorce, Horní Benešov, Horní Životice, Milotice nad Opavou, Staré Heřminovy, Svobodné Heřmanice
okres Nový Jičín
Heřmanice u Oder, Heřmánky, Jakubčovice nad Odrou, Luboměř, Spálov, Vrchy
okres Opava
Branka u Opavy, Bratříkovice, Březová, Budišov nad Budišovkou, Čermná ve Slezsku, Dolní Životice, Hlavnice, Jakartovice, Jezdkovice, Kružberk, Lhotka u Litultovic, Litultovice, Melč, Mikolajice, Mladecko, Moravice, Nove Lublice, Radkov, Sosnová, Staré Těchanovice, Stěbořice, Svatoňovice, Štáblovice, Uhlířov, Velké Heraltice
Přehled komentářů
Its hard to pinpoint exactly when it dawned upon me for the first time, but I think it was as I was relaxing in the hot tub room with Melia after I had fucked her for the first time. The realization hit me; I was essentially a god here in this primitive age of 2015. And, if I were to confine my time travels to the past from 2015, nothing could stop me from doing as I wanted. I had three beautiful women with me on board my all powerful craft, time was on my side- the technology given to me by the Jogany meant that I would not age for a couple of thousand years.
Seductive Spin Class
(Williamtoogy, 11. 6. 2021 4:52)
My 4 p.m. Timberlake spin class is about to start and all I can think about is the path my life has taken. I, Benjamin, a once bad-boy with a fetish for bees used to brothel hop and go to matinees alone to use only the most buttery of popcorn to relieve myself in times when my flesh light was stolen. It wasnt until I hit rock bottom half way through what I thought was flight of the bumblebees, when I realized I was masturbating to Akeelah and the Bee and tearing up along with Laurence Fishburne as Akeelah correctly spells logorrhea, when I decided to turn my life around. Trading matinees for daily spin classes, I have devoted my life to healthy eating, exercise and the LA lifestyle. Although my life is now back on track I cant help but have cravings for large breasts, dripping pussies, and holding my cock watching it blow with the force of one thousand fire hydrants – now thats some good shit.
Friendly Foursome
(Andrewmib, 10. 6. 2021 5:10)
Marcia and Ted were into their favorite bar on a Friday night, drinking and dancing to a local rock band.Two of their friends, Larry and Joan, walked in and joined them.The two couples drank well into the night and when the bar closed down, Marcia and Ted suggested that they continue the party at their house.
Ted turned on more rock music at the house and asked if Larry and Joan would like to smoke some weed to keep the party going.The four of them sat around and got high and eventually, the topic of conversation turned to sex.
My Sexual Awakening
(Larryencox, 10. 6. 2021 0:03)
I am Mike, 16, I do the normal things a teenage guy does, video games, hanging out with friends, sports, no girl friend fanaticize about sex.And noI have not really been on a date yet. I guess you could classify me as a jock, just not the baseball, football or basketball type. I did like cross country and really liked the long distance runs we had to do.Most of the other guys on the team hated running anything over 6 or 8 miles. Me, I felt I was just getting started at 6. It didnt matter if it was spring or winter season. It was just great to be outside. So I was definitely in shape but not muscular.
Доставка суши в Одессе
(WilliamNam, 9. 6. 2021 19:55)
Доставка суши в Одессе
Рассмотрим полезные свойства маринованного имбиря, и как его готовят
При приготовлении полезные свойства маринованного имбиря не теряют своей ценности. В нем содержатся такие витамины, как натрий, цинк, железо, фосфор, кальций, витамины группы В и аминокислоты. Многие диетологи считают, что имбирь способствует сжиганию лишних жиров.
Основные полезные свойства маринованного имбиря способствуют
укреплению иммунитета,
улучшают пищеварение,
применяются для профилактики простудных и вирусных заболеваний,
усиливают аппетит,
улучшают настроение
снимают нервное напряжение.
В прохладное время года чай с корнем имбиря помогает укрепить иммунитет и поддерживает организм в тонусе. Но первое место он занимает, конечно, в кулинарии. При приготовлении блюд с сырой рыбой имбирь защищает организм от вредных бактерий, которые в ней находятся. Помимо этого придает блюду пикантный вкус и неповторимый аромат. Без него суши и роллы будут казаться пресными. Так что имбирь является обязательным дополнением к ним. Эфирные масла, которые в нем содержатся, улучшают аппетит и помогают пищеварению.
Его рекомендуется применять при мариновании сырой рыбы и морепродуктов. Многие диетологи включают имбирь в составление диет. Он не только низкокалориен, но и к тому же активно расщепляет жиры и помогает бороться с лишним весом. Но помимо полезных свойств имбирь имеет и противопоказания. Его нельзя употреблять при язве желудка, гастрите, а также во время беременности и кормления грудью.
суши Одесса
(ArthurAvari, 9. 6. 2021 18:33)
My name is Rudy and my homie Max has this banging sister, her names Sarah. Shes about 411 with big ol jugs for breast and and a decent sized ass. When she really started catching my attention was when I got expelled and had to go to a charter school. Her parents had agreed for me to be dropped off at theyre house in the mornings so I can walk to school from there I spent about 1 hour there every morning. But sometimes Sarah would open the door for me. And shed always be in her pajamas without a bra and some tight shorts that showed half her ass.
(Jeffreymoumb, 9. 6. 2021 9:52)
Now Open For Business
When I went to work on Brendas garden one morning there was a strange car in the driveway. This was a car I had seen somewhere before. I put it out of my mind and went about my chores weeding a flowerbed.As usual I was wearing my special ‘gardeners uniform, a pair of cut off jeans, no shirt just the shorts. I wore no underwear either because that was the way my ‘client wanted me.
Summer Time
(AngelNup, 9. 6. 2021 3:34)
Well as I was checking out the bank lines and waiting for Mark to return I reflected on just what had happened.I would have never imagined the feelings I had at that moment.I didnt know if I was gay or what but I couldnt deny that what me and Mark had done was probably the greatest thing I have ever done in my short life.As I sat there nursing my beer I relived the feeling of Marks cock in my mouth, hard yet velvety at the same time.And then the way Mark took me in the ass for the first time of my life.What ever happened next I knew that this would always be a time that I would remember for the rest of my life.
Jolene felt a burning sensation
(Sergiobrarl, 8. 6. 2021 21:53)
Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple.It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb.It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple.She knew better than to cry out, or make any noise more than a low moan.
First time Selena and Roxy
(Charlesbut, 8. 6. 2021 11:55)
I first met Selena at a party one night. I was sitting on the back deck with some friends when she walked through the doorway. Her beautiful long blonde hair was the first thing that caught my attention from the corner of my eye. She was the most stunning woman I had seen. Her beautiful smile, petite body and perfect ass. She wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans.Our eyes immediately made contact first thing and she smiled at me. I just got this vibe come over me Ive never felt before or since. It was not really a sexual vibe but I was instantly hard when I first saw her and kept having to adjust myself discreetly while watching her.
My wife's physical exam
(RonaldJup, 8. 6. 2021 5:50)
My wife was going to get her annual complete physical. She had never seen this doctor before. We just found him in the local listings.
We were both very excited as we waited in his exam room. My wife was terrified. She hated doctor exams. They are hugely embarrassing and humiliating and often painful for her.
I could see the fear on her face as we waited and waited.
After a forty-five minute wait because the doctor had some sort of emergency he had to deal with, the door opened and the doctor came in. The long wait and the anticipation made us both as wound up as people can be. Every nerve in my body felt electric. And then...
Nurse Kate
(ClydeMaf, 8. 6. 2021 0:28)
When I met the person that I wanted to spend my life with I never expected that it would be before I left school, someone older, who was married and least of all a woman. When I left England with my mother at the age of 16 to live in Italy in an attempt to help me with the problems I acquired when my parents divorced. I never thought it would be the best decision of my life.
Guide to the pleasured life
(Josephbrogs, 7. 6. 2021 18:21)
Ill always start by asking her to put her tongue inside me; I dont mind sucking on it. I love French kissing! Id suck gently of course. Its definitely important to a find a good kissing routine! Surprise her, do more then she could imagine when it comes to romance. Id work my tongue against her neck, licking it and gently kissing it! Everything above her waist can be pleasured while rubbingyour hand between her legs. While working her neck, Its nice to tease her and somewhat tempt her. If she had little cute breasts, Id want to suck on them, so Ill ask her really nicely! And kiss her body, slowly up and up, explore things you havent before. Usually, I spend quite some time working on her cleavage, before actually kissing the center.
Three Sluts On A Train
(EnriqueErock, 6. 6. 2021 4:07)
Sam, a senior marketing executive at a major bank, navigates through the crowded train platform.Sam is a 32 year old busty brunette with stunning green eyes and long, sensual lashes. Thanks to her assets, she pushes past hundreds of bodies to finally get onto her train and make her way home for the evening without much trouble.
By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move.At this time of night, she knows shell be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop.
оклейка окон пленкой
(Antonioieb, 6. 6. 2021 3:06)
Добрый день товарищи!
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию высококачественные профессиональные плёнки. Наша организация"ООО Защитные плёнки" работает 15 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси. С помощью оконных пленок мы превращаем хрупкое стекло в новый строительный материал, сочетающий такие свойства как прочность, термоизоляцию, солнцезащиту и современный внешний вид. Высокое качество тонировочных, защитных, декоративных и солнцезащитных пленок позволяет нам давать заказчикам и партнерам гарантии долговечности и надежности. Тонировка стекла и окон позволяет дозировать свет и солнечную энергию — в помещении, находящемся под защитой тонированного стекла, сохраняется оптимальная температура. С помощью оконных пленок можно воплотить в жизнь любую архитектурную идею.
Более подробная информация размещена https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hceZWkDFW4mFU9sDZ64bQAi3ss41Fo5g/view?usp=sharing
С уважением,коллектив "ООО Защитные плёнки".
A Simpleton Becomes Business Women
(Danielaciff, 5. 6. 2021 21:09)
She got fucked multiple times by Vijay kumarbut Again this time too the result was same ZERO.
Her sister who is oldertoZeenatby one year (24)Salmadelivered a cute baby girl. Since They were staying inHyderabadit was difficult for her to manage workduring her pregnancy and thereafter the baby. So she called her to stay with her for 6 months.Her Husband salman also permitted her to stay there and told her when ever He will be in town he will too come there and stay with them.
Although married herself, Zeenat was doing joband Shetooka 1 year break for her sister . Also, her husband keeps ontraveling as hefocussed more into increasing his business. So She had no worries about moving into her house for 6 months. In fact She was happy that She will get more time to spend with her sisterand her niece. So She packed her bags and moved to her place on a Saturday.
(Harrynuarl, 5. 6. 2021 15:09)
Surprised By My Wife’s Knowledge
(Thomassweda, 4. 6. 2021 23:48)
I thought she was beautiful as I stood there peeking in through the window.Yes, she was beautiful as she stood there in front of the mirror naked, fondling her small firm breasts, pinching her cute stiff nipples with one hand, her other hand rubbing her hot pussy slit, tickling her clitoris and slipping her small finger up into her tight pussy opening.
I stood there watching as she took herself to a peak then over the edge, her body spasming and jerking as she took herself to orgasm.
I knew right then and there I was going to fuck that girl and give her the real pleasure I was sure she was fantasizing about when she finger fucked herself to an orgasm.
Yes, I was going to slip my large stiff cock right up into that little, I believed, virginal cunt of hers taking her virginity and fucking her until she orgasmed like I was sure she was dreaming of.
I slipped into the house and going to her bedroom door which was also open just a crack.
She was home alone her mother having gone to a meeting with a friend of hers, and would be gone until almost midnight.
I was sure that would give me the time to enjoy her cunt giving her the pleasure that she would keep coming back to me for.
Personal Journal
(Calebber, 4. 6. 2021 18:43)
August 15th - Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for him. Tall and statuesque, and just dumb enough not to argue too much. That was one of our downfalls, neither one of us could admit to being wrong. We could get past that, even laugh about it, as friends. As more than that...not so much. So, he moved on and found her and I have Ted. When hes in town and when Im not too wrapped up in my own work. Still, he fits what I need, when I need it..almost. Anyway, so I have two new patients to look after for the next couple of months (yes, Months! Sometimes I really hate him!). Im expecting his office to send me the details later this week.
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Sexy story
(Michaeladora, 11. 6. 2021 11:57)